The other night I was looking for a specific image I wanted to print out for a Mothers Day gift. I grabbed the hard drive the image was on and plugged it in. Well to my surprise I found that all the data on the hard drive was corrupted. Yup that is right, my hard drive and all my pictures on it were gone. The bummer was that this was the only back up I had for my Kansas trip I took last year. I was freaking out because there was two really great shoots from the trip that I did not want to loose. Well I was up to about 2 in the morning looking for the images. I eventually found them. These were the only two images I was able to find from the trip thought.
While I was looking frantically for these images I did find some other pictures I love that I have never done anything with. Since I have previously posted the Kansas pictures I decided to show you the other images I found. All these images are taken from rural Nebraska. The first is of Carhenge in Alliance. Next is of Courthouse and Jail Rock. The last image is of a misc country road outside of Papillion. Hope you enjoy.