Sunday, November 8, 2009

Other Images Part 1

With working on my show I have been to over 10 states and have taken thousands of images. With these I have been working on hundreds of images that will be cut down to about 30 final shots for the show. Instead of just hiding these other images in an obscure file on my hard drive for no one to see, I have decided to share some of these images on my blog. I will post images periodically from now to my show. These images will be the ones that I have worked on but for some reason I have decided to exclude from my show.

This first image was from Great Sand Dunes Start Park in Colorado. This was the first stop on a 5 day road trip I took to the four corners last winter. I was standing on a frozen creek bed. In the distance you can see the beginning of the Rockie Mountains and to the left you can see the edge of the sand dunes. The thing I remember most about this area was not the beautiful view but rather the multitude of fresh mountain lion tracks scattered all around me. When I saw these tracks part of me couldn't wait to see the animal so I could score a few choice shot, but that was just a small part. The majority of me wanted to gather my equipment and run before I became the snack of a hungry cat. Well I never saw a mountain lion but I did get a few decent pictures of the landscape.

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